Digital marketing agent Canada Search engine is something that every business must understand and use for their digital marketing success. However, the environment on the Internet keeps on changing, creating new challenges all the time. Moreover, there are jargons and terminologies that are tough to crack, considering limited knowledge of a business owner. You can always hire a digital marketing company Toronto to help you with your digital marketing campaigns but having your own understanding gives you an upper hand to win the battle.
One such complicated area is search ads that makes a confusing arena for business owners. But you need not to fear as we have curated this guide specially to help you understand tough search ads terminology. In this guide, we have explained different ad formats as well as their advantages and disadvantages digital marketing agent Canada.
What are ETAs?
ETA or Expanded Text Ad are the first thing that you must understand first. It is the first format and also the standard ones of the Google Ad Accounts. There are different parts of an ETA including:
These parts are what a user sees when the ad appears on the search engine.
It is to be noted that ETAs will no longer be a part of Google by June 2022 and the advertisers are no longer able to create and update them their end January 2022. It is believed that RSAs will be replacing these ads very soon.
Benefits of ETAs: They are very to understand and set up. Also, controlling ETAs is simpler.
Disadvantages of ETAs: You need to refresh them very often as they can easily go obsolete.
What are RSAs?
RSAs is an abbreviation used for Responsive Search Ads. These ads are specially designed to allow advertisers to create ads that can easily change as per the customers requirements. RSAs include:
Once the ad is created, Google performs an ad variation test and identifying which one performs the best. But these ads aren’t as easy as they sound and you will need to take help from an expert digital marketing agent Canada to ensure you have the best sailing ad.
Benefits of RSAs: Better testing capabilities and higher rate of relevance are two key benefits.
Disadvantages of RSAs: Creating RSA is more time consuming and also there is lesser control opportunities available for the advertiser.
What are DSAs?
DSAs are Dynamic Search Ads and were introduced a long time ago. However, they gained their importance in the recent years as they can be easily refined and testing DSA content is also quick and simpler. They may look like regular ads but their relevance to the users is very high. Google takes the charge of the ad copy and ensures that it is relevant to the content of your website and generates an appropriate headline as well as a landing page according to the user’s search term digital marketing agent Canada.
Benefits of DSAs: They are highly specific and also captures the search queries that often get ignored.
Disadvantages of DSAs: The advertiser needs to be extremely focused on negative keywords lists as well as showing the content that advertiser haven’t even seen.
What are Call only Ads?
You need to call your users and don’t want them to visit your website, use Call only Ads. These ads are crisp and effective, consisting only:
These ads are specially designed to help business make calls and not attract visitors.
Benefits of Call only Ads: You can get direct phone calls from customers making it easy for them to contact you.
Disadvantages of Call only Ads: The user gets limited information and hence might ignore the business.
Search ads are a great tool for businesses to generate leads and even boost their conversion rates. However, it is important to develop a great understanding before you venture on the path on your own. It is important to have a professional digital marketing team Canada by your side to make the best out of Search ads digital marketing agent Canada.